“The Expanse“ – Sheena's Review
There are a lot of amazing things about this series. The cast and crew, the authors, they reach out to us and it's clear how much they love it too. It draws you in and makes you want to be a part of something so special. It's a series that keeps on giving. I've met wonderful people, made irreplaceable friends, I've discovered a whole new creative side to myself and I've been inspired.
While I've seen plenty of Sci-Fi shows and read many books, science and technology are not my forte. Space is interesting to me, I can watch every documentary you throw at me, but within a week I probably couldn't tell you much of what I'd learned from them. Battlestar Galactica was a favorite of mine, as was Firefly. Maybe the difference now is that The Expanse is current, it's being written and filmed now, there's a community that's ever growing and I can relate to them. We can talk and discuss, that wasn't something I had the opportunity to do for other shows that had already come and gone. So while the science and action caught my attention first, I find that it's the characters and world building aspect that drawn me in the most.
No matter how far we advance in society there will still be war, there will always be power struggles. We'll always have to face the unknown. Never will there be a time to decide that we can stop moving towards greater accomplishments, and there will always be a race to see who can achieve those the fastest. But the constant is always going to be that we have people to count on to fight for the good of others.
There will always be a Holden, a loyal and moral hero who chooses to rise above. We'll always have a Fred who realizes the error of his ways and will move forward to right his wrong doings. And a Naomi who will put humanity before herself. We'll never be alone in wanting to survive and help others survive. It gives hope to me and hopefully to others, about the future, regardless of how scary it is.